4th International Conference on Stress Management Meet 2022 |depression Summit | Barcelona | spain | Asia | Europe | Africa | Finland | 2022

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About Conference

The Stress Management Meet 2022 welcomes all the participants globally to our upcoming conference “4th International Conference on Stress Management” scheduled on July 21,2022 Webinar to explore their knowledge, excellence. It brings together a diverse group of Psychiatrists, Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, and other pioneers from academia and industry from around the world.

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Speakers who are interested to participate in the conference can submit your abstract here with us or you can submit your abstracts at meevents@memeetings.com

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  • Collaborating & networking with global researchers
  • Access to all sessions
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  • Abstract book and conference material
  • Group registration discounts
  • Outstanding Young Researcher Award
  • Get your abstract published in the proceeding open access journal
  • International Speaker participation Certificate
  • Global exposure of your research on the conference website which has 100000+ Page views.

Target Audience:

  • Neuro surgeons
  • Psychologists
  • Neuropsychologist
  • Psychiatrists
  • Mental Health Psychiatrist
  • Psychiatric Technician
  • Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse
  • Scientists and professors
  • Neuroimaging Technician
  • Students
  • Diagnostic laboratory professionals
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Industry professionals
  • Directors/Managers/CEO’s
  • Presidents & Vice Presidents

ME Conferences is giving pleasure to welcome you to the "4th International Conference on Stress Management" which is going to be held on July 21, 2022 Webinar. It will be surrounded with the theme “Calmness is the cradle of power”. The main ambition of "STRESS MANAGEMENT MEET 2022" is to come up with a international program for Stress Management Psychiatry and Mental Health.


Tracks/ Sessions

Track 1: Psychiatry and Mental Health

Psychiatry is an area of neuroscience that deals with the research, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of brain disorders. These encompass a wide range of anomalies in mood, behavior, and cognition, all of which lead to psychiatry and mental health issues. A psychiatric disorder is a type of mental illness that causes stress, rage, and depression. Neurologists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists are health professionals who specialize in the treatment of brain and psychology issues.

  • Disorders of Behaviour
  • Emotional Problems
  • Disorders of Anxiety

Track 2: Addiction and Schizophrenia

Addiction is a common issue in the neuroscience field. A complicated disorder called addiction, which is chronic in nature, can alter the functioning of the brain and body. It has a negative impact on the family's and neighbourhood’s relationships. The younger generation in this culture will be affected by addiction. To address this deadly situation, psychiatrists are developing novel therapies, improved procedures, and drugs. Tension, despair, and fury are all signs of addiction. Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which people have unusual reactions to reality.

  • Medicine for Addiction
  • Abuse of drugs
  • Schizophrenia with Paranoia

Track 3: Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Although stress, anxiety, and depression are distinct medical illnesses, their symptoms, causes, and treatments overlap. Depression is a significant mental illness that affects one's feelings, thoughts, and daily activities. According to recent studies, women suffer from depression at a higher incidence than males. Depression causes aggression, drug addiction, and alcohol use in men, but guilt and melancholy in women. Stress is defined as physical or emotional tension. It is the result of a thinking that makes you feel alone, disappointed, and angry. When you are threatened or angry, your nervous system releases a little amount of stress hormones, which causes your heart to race, muscles to contract, blood pressure to rise, and your breathing to shorten. These conditions have an impact on brain function. Anger has bodily consequences, such as higher blood pressure, heart illness, and other ailments.(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

  • PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Anger, irritation, or moodiness
  • Feeling a little overwhelmed
  • Isolation and loneliness

Track 4: Dementia and Bipolar disorders

Dementia is a disease and condition in which one's memory deteriorates. Alzheimer's disease is the most frequent cause of dementia. Vascular dementia can result in microscopic haemorrhage and blood artery obstruction in the brain. Dementia can harm brain cells and be caused by aberrant brain alterations. When cells in a certain place are fully destroyed, the body's functionality is compromised. Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric illness that causes mood swings, behavioural changes, and sleep disturbances.

  • Manic Depressive Disorder (MDD)
  • Hypomania
  • Sadness
  • Memory loss

Track 5: Brain Tumours and Cancers

Behavioural changes, confusion, and convulsions are some of the signs of brain cancer. Tumours aren't always cancerous. There are two sorts of tumours: benign tumours and malignant tumours. The risk of a benign tumour is lower than that of a malignant tumour. Malignant tumours are referred to as cancer. Nausea, vomiting, and visual changes are all signs of brain cancer. The term "brain tumour" refers to a grouping of abnormal cells in the brain. Primary brain tumours are benign (non-cancerous) tumours that form from brain cells, glands, and nerve cells that start in the brain. When cancer cells move from another organ, such as the lung or breast, to the brain, it is known as a secondary brain tumour. A few tumours put pressure on the brain's environs, and others cause direct harm to the brain tissue.directly which leads to brain injury. 

  • a traumatic brain damage
  • Infection of the brain
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability

Track 6: Pediatric Neurology

Paediatric neurology is another name for child neurology. This diagram depicts nervous system illnesses in newborns, adolescents, infants, and children. Paediatric neurologists are in charge of the diagnosis and treatment of nervous system problems in children, including spine abnormalities. Child psychiatry is a multidisciplinary field of research that covers advanced paediatric studies. It has an impact on the onset and progression of neurological illnesses, as well as therapy responses to various therapies. Psychiatrists and health professionals find it difficult to treat psychiatric diseases and mental health issues in children, adolescents, and newborns.

  • Child Psychoanalysis
  • Bipolar Disorders in Children
  • Brain Development Autism is a mental illness that affects children.

Track 7: Neurology and Neurosurgery

Neurology is the branch of medicine that deals with nervous system problems. Neurologists and psychiatrists diagnose and treat problems of the peripheral and central nervous systems. Neurological disorders refer to any condition that affects the brain, nerves, or spinal cord. Neurological problems cause paralysis, muscle weakness, loss of feeling, and seizures. Neurosurgery, often known as neurological surgery, is a type of surgery that deals with the nervous system. It deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of neural system disorders. Our mental health can influence neurological issues.

  • Central Nervous System (CNS) 
  • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Track 8: Brain and Sleeping Disorders

Humans require adequate sleep to maintain their energy levels and carry on with their lives. Sleep disorders are caused by too much strain and stress, and they are also known as medical problems in a person's sleep patterns. Teeth grinding (bruxism), night terrors, allergies, and colds are all possible causes of sleep disruption. Insomnia is the most prevalent sleep problem; it is characterised by trouble falling and staying asleep. People who are depressed can benefit from music therapy, melatonin, or hypnotherapy. The brain is the body's command centre, therefore a brain disorder is a condition that affects the brain.

  • Sleep apnea
  • Mental disorders
  • Narcolepsy
  • Sleepwalking

Track 9: Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

The most frequent neurological illnesses are Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Alzheimer's disease is one of the kinds of dementia. It is most commonly seen among the elderly. A new case of dementia will be detected every 4 seconds. Alzheimer's disease causes memory, communication, and reasoning abilities to deteriorate. Dopamine is produced by nerve cells in the brain for all of the brain's processes. Parkinson's disease destroys nerve cells and reduces the number of dopamine-producing neurons.

  • Neuropathy
  • Withdrawal from social situations
  • Emotional ups and downs

Track 10: Epilepsy and other Seizure Disorders

Epilepsy is characterized by abnormal movements or electrical activity in the brain. Seizures and epilepsy are linked, although not everyone who has seizures has epilepsy. Seizures are only symptoms, whereas epilepsy is a condition. Pseudo seizures are non-epileptic seizures that are produced by psychological stress. Seizures and non-epileptic seizures have similar appearances, making epilepsy diagnosis challenging. Brain and spinal cord birth Brain and spinal cord birth defects Brain and spinal cord birth defects

  • Brain injury
  • Cerebral palsy

Track 11: Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack

Brain stroke happens when blood vessels or nerve cells in the brain get blocked, hemorrhage, or rupture, resulting in a stroke. Because of the damage to the blood vessels, the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain tissues will be cut off. Without oxygen, human brain tissues and cells begin to die in a matter of minutes. Stroke is caused by a lack of blood flow, which causes cell death. There are two types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic strokes are caused by a lack of blood flow, while hemorrhagic strokes are caused by bleeding. Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) is a form of stroke that only lasts a few minutes. The TIA condition is caused by a blockage in the brain's blood flow.

  • Stroke with emboli
  • Stroke due to thrombosis
  • Disorientation
  • Difficulty walking

Track 12: Women’s Mental Health

Gender is an important factor in mental health. Men and women have various levels of control over their mental health in their life, depending on their social standing, status, and treatment. The mental health of women differs from that of men. Psychiatric illnesses in women are different from those in men. Depression is the most common mental health disorder, and women suffer from it at a higher rate than males. Mental disorder is an involuntary psychological pattern that produces distress or incapacity in an individual and is not considered as normal in society.

  • Symptoms of the body
  • Sexual Assault

Track 13: Power of Yoga and Meditation

Yoga is a way of life that provides mental and physical advantages to our bodies when done on a daily basis. Yoga psychotherapy is a treatment that helps people with a variety of brain and spine ailments. Yoga and meditation have been practised for ages. Yoga is more than just a kind of physical exercise; it is also a spiritual practise. Meditation is a yoga practise that focuses on mental wellness, relaxation, and concentration. Meditation focuses on the breath and ideas. The mind will be entirely calm after practising yoga and meditation. Yoga promotes heart health, decreases back pain, regulates digestion, and aids in the recovery of a hangover. Meditation has a number of advantages, including the ability to manage depression and anxiety problems, as well as increase attention.

  • Emotional well-being
  • Stress management
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Track 14: Coping of Mental Health during COVID-19

The Pandemic Coronavirus illness outbreak put everyone on edge. Adults and children may develop mental health problems as a result of anxiety, despair, and dread of an outbreak. Mental health coping throughout Covid-19 is critical for the people you care about. Stress causes changes in sleeping habits, eating patterns, affects mental health disorders, overthinking, difficulties sleeping, and concentrating during an outbreak. During the outbreak, everyone develops sleep problems. During this outbreak, the mental health of children, teens, adults, and the elderly will fluctuate. To manage with stress condition, take care of yourself and your community.

Track 15: Neurorehabilitation

Neurorehabilitation is a time-consuming medical procedure that aims to help people recover from brain and spinal cord injuries, as well as to correct any functional issues that may arise as a result of the injury. They primarily focus on nutrition, psychological issues, and deal with the impaired person's attitude and skills, as well as their surroundings. It's now a blend of traditional medicine and exact science.

Track 16: Neuropsychiatry

Neuropsychiatry is a combination of psychiatry and neurology that studies the link between human behaviour and brain function. It includes neurology, mental symptoms of neurological illnesses, behavioural neurology, and neurophysiology. Intraoperative monitoring, electro diagnostics, electroence phalography, and evoked potentials are all performed by clinical neurophysiologists.

Track 17: Cognitive Neuroscience

Cognitive neuroscience is a discipline of neuroscience that studies brain mechanisms and expressions scientifically. These cognitive neuroscientists occasionally use brain imaging techniques such as PET and SPECT. Researchers have been able to examine mechanisms behind cognitive physiology by observing brain function that enables our minds thanks to new brain mapping technology, particularly magnetic resonance imaging or functional MRI.

Track 18: Stress Management

Stress is a typical occurrence in today's fast-paced society, and everyone's mind and body will react to a variety of demands and threats. Our physical defences kick into high gear in a swift, automatic manner when we detect a threat, whether imaginary or real, and will not allow us to do anything that we are concentrating on. It has the potential to disrupt every part of your life, including your emotions, behaviour, cognitive abilities, and physical health.

Track 19: Relaxation Methods for Stress

Stress is an unavoidable aspect of life. Physical activity can help us sleep better, and better sleep equals better stress management, right? Even if you don't participate in a regular exercise regimen, you can still find ways to enhance your stress management. There are other benefits to eating a healthy diet for stress management, which can help us strengthen our immune system, improve our mood, and lower our blood pressure.

Market Analysis

4th International Conference on Stress Management Conference welcomes presenters, exhibitors, and attendees from everywhere the world to throughout July 21, 2022. The planning committee is organizing an interesting and informative conference program which includes lectures, seminars, and symposia on a wide range of subjects, poster presentations, young scientist forums, and a variety of other activities for attendees from across the world. We tend to gracefully invite you to at the planet Physical STRESS MANAGEMENT MEET Webinar , wherever you'll have an intelligible expertise with students from overseas. The Organizing Committee and every one attendee of STRESS MANAGEMENT MEET 2022.

Global Trends in the Stress Management Industry

The global stress management treatments market is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.7 percent from $17.2 billion in 2019 to $20.6 billion in 2024, with a forecast period of 2019 to 2024.


Report Includes

  • Analyses of worldwide market trends from 2018 to 2019, as well as forecasts of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2024
  •  A wide range of psychotherapies and approaches targeted at reducing stress levels in humans, mainly chronic stress, as well as various medications and gadgets for the treatment of stress are available on the market.
  • Data on the number of cases of work-related stress, depression, or anxiety, as well as the rates of prevalence and incidence.
  • Explanation of the impact of regulatory guidelines, present and emerging technology, and other macroeconomic factors on the stress management market.   

Drugs and Devices for Pain Management in the Global Market

The global pain management market will expand from about $36.1 billion in 2017 to $52.0 billion by 2022, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6% from 2017 to 2022.     


This study explains as:

  • Analyses of global market trends, including data from 2015 and 2016, projections for 2017, and compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2022.
  • Product categories, product usage, and the competitive landscape are all examined.
  • Undertreatment issues, professional issues, managed care pain issues, trends in novel medicines, product pipelines, generic participation, pain research, drug delivery, and patent expirations are among the topics covered.
  • New regulatory standards are being discussed.Company profiles of the industry's leading players are detailed.     

List of Stress Neuro treatment centres in Spain:

  •  Hospital Quirnsalud Barcelona - Barcelona, Spain
  • Instituto Oftalmologico Quironsalud Dexeus  -   Barcelona, Spain
  • Dexeus University Hospital  - Barcelona, Spain
  • Quironsalud Torrevieja Hospital  - Torrevieja (Alicante), Spain   
  • Centro Medico Teknon   - Barcelona, Spain          
  • Quironsalud Marbella Hospital   - Barcelona, Spain    
  • Hospital Ruber International -  Madrid, Spain

List of Stress Neuro Hospitals around the World:  

  • ​The Mount Sinai Hospital  - Neurology Department - New York - NY United States        
  • Montreal General Hospital - McGill University Health Centre- The Neuro- Montreal- Canada
  • Centre hospitalier universitaire Lille –Neurologie -Lille Cedex -France  
  • Policlinico Umberto -Clinica neurologia –Rome -Italy
  • St. Michael’s Hospital - Neuro-Oncology  - Toronto - Canada      

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date July 21-21, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors


Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

International Journal of Neurorehabilitation Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology Neurological Disorders

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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  • Alcoholism
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Backaches
  • Criticism
  • Illness
  • Impatience
  • Insecure
  • Men's Health
  • Mistress
  • Perfectionism
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Physican
  • Physician Stress
  • Pressures
  • Prevention
  • Psychology
  • Psychosomatic
  • Psychotherapy
  • Public Speaking
  • Relaxing
  • Sorelaxing
  • Watching
  • Work
  • Addiction
  • Anxiety
  • Distressed
  • Fear
  • Guilt
  • Headache
  • Health
  • Impatient
  • Preventive Medicine
  • Problems
  • Productivity